24 Festive Tasks 2019 - Update #7
Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 1): Compose a limerick or short poem in honor of a favorite book character.
Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 2): If you like Mexican food, treat yourself to a favorite dish – and / or make yourself a margarita – and share a photo
Door 1- Dia De Los Muetos (Task 3): Write an epitaph for the book you most disliked this year.
Door 1- Dia De Los Muertos (Task 4): Do you have any traditions or mementos of happy memories of a loved one that you feel like sharing?
Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 1): Tell us about a cultural festival or event in the area where you live.
Door 2- Japanese Culture Day (Task 3): Try your hand at folding a paper crane. Instructions: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Paper-Crane-1/
Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 1): Pick your Ponies (Il Paradiso placed 3rd) - one of the horses I picked. (+1 Bonus Point)
Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 2): Roses are the official flower of Flemington Race Track; write your own “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue” poem for one of your favorite or most hated books of all time.
Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 3): Aussies shorten everything, so Melbourne Cup Day is just called “Cup Day” – post a picture of your favorite cup or mug for your daily fix of coffee, tea or chocolate.
Door 3 - Melbourne Cup Day (Task 4): Prepare your favorite dessert – in a cup! Post a photo of it for us to enjoy vicariously.
Door 4 - Guy Fawkes Night (Task 4): How do you order the books on your shelves? *I will report in the form as soon as I know it listed under the Festive Door task in main form.
Door 17 - Winter Solstice (Book): Read a book that takes place in December, with ice or snow on the cover, where all events take place in a single day or night, that revolves around the solstice, set in Persia / Iran, China or the American Southwest or prominently featuring Persian / Iranian, Chinese or Native American characters, or a collection of poetry.
Total Points: 13 Points