Nighttime Reading Center

October 2020
text: September's Book Haul
September was my biggest book haul by far. I would like to say Thank you to all the Publishers and authors that send me books...
June 2020
text: AUDIOBOOK TOUR: The Nutcracker Conspiracy by Lauren Carr + Giveaway
"Wow - this is one INCREDIBLE novel that I could not put down. It had me on the edge of my seat and I can honestly say that ...
Eh. I need some truly poetic sentiment by way of brain bleach after the solution of The Roman Hat Mystery. And since the ...
reviewed: Book Review: North or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson
North! Or Be Eaten is the second book of this Wingfeather Saga series. Though we start in Glipwood forest it seems like we ge...
North! or Be Eaten - Andrew Peterson
June 2020
updated shelf
read and rated
BookLikes Reading Challenge: Nighttime Reading Center wants to read 30 books in 2020.
Nighttime Reading Center has read 0 book(s) out of 30 books in
2020 Reading Challenge
currently reading
After getting a drive by you don't understand racism comment in my review, noticed the GR reviewer in question is a GR Librar...
I guess I made a mistake. Or not. At least I’ve learned from this experience. The thing is, my sister and I found some yoga p...
read and rated
read and rated
May 2020
2020 has, so far, brought many things: fire, plague, and I hear a swarm of 17-year cicadas are due any moment to the Eastern ...
Ledger: Novelty cards: race car Beginning Balance: $20.00 5/25/2020: Circling the Sun by Paula McLain (385 pages, +3.00):...

Currently reading

LUCY and la petite nouvelle: The Newcomer
Judith Grimme
Amish Values for Your Family: What We Can Learn from the Simple Life
Suzanne Woods Fisher
Charles Towne Belles Trilogy
MaryLu Tyndall, M.L. Tyndall
Progress: 963/960 pages