Book Review: I Hate, Hate, Hate This Time of Day!: A Cute Bedtime Story

I hate, hate, hate this time of day! - Alyssa Miracle

I Hate, Hate, Hate This Time of Day, is a book about an elephant that does not like going to bed. Know any children that are like that. I am sure you do. We all have either gone through it or done it ourselves.


Well, this book focuses on that time of day. This is a good bedtime story. It creates a routine for Edgar with his mom. Though Edgar seems to think that playing and having fun is best. Though can you make it fun to get ready to go to bed.


The author does this quite well. I love the pictures. It easy to read. I love Edgar's response each time his more asks. Children just love to play and have fun. Maybe this book will help with bedtime.