Book Tour / Review: Over the River and Though the Woods

Over the River and Through the Woods - Amy Morley, Hilary Hauck, Kimberly Kurth Gray, Michele Savaunah Zirkle, Janet McClintock, Abigail Drake, Kathleen Shoop, Ramona DeFelice Long, Demi Stevens

 Over the River and Through the Woods reminds me of the song or even poem that you sing on your way to Grandma's when you are going their to eat at Thanksgiving. If this Title did not remind you of that I do not know why.

The Title did this and I could not forget the song or poem that pops into my mind when it did. I would love to have download the one I found that sing the complete song of this title but it seem to be hard. There seem to be different versions of this song.

This book has different stories in it. They are all short and sweet. I loved each story. There seem to be poem and a recipe in the book. I really did enjoy each story that was written and chosen for this book. There was not one that I did not like. Each author show their talent and or story.

The way this is set up I enjoyed it. I was able to read multiple stories in one night. I really like that each story was short or told about their memories on Christmas memories. Each story was heartfelt and loving.