Review: Ours for a Season by Kim Vogel Sawyer

We meet Marty and her husband Anthony. We learn that they can not have biological children of there own. They seem to be having a hard time getting along. Marty seem to not be able to move on from the news and feeling likes something is missing. God seem to have bigger and better plan for her and Anthony.
We go though several different kinds of issues and Sawyer bring them to the for front. Brooke got to deal with painful disease and it is brought up which is Cancer. Will she beat it? What is Gods plan for Brooke. What is Gods Plan for Eagle Creek? God decides to bring Marty and Anthony to Kansas?
We meet a young teenager named Elliot and a young girl. Will there be healing for these three friends? Will a drifting marriage bring back to life? Will Brooke find her heavenly father? What could Gods big plans be to bring Marty and Anthony and Brooke together?